The first benefit of a structured approach for business development is to provide the business and/or its investors with clear visibility on the strengths and weaknesses inherent to the business. It is a snapshot of the existing situation on the sales and marketing front, expressed in operational terms that are directly tranposable into actions, rather than numbers.
This derives straight from the SWOT analysis already existing in the business or carried out by ourselves through our Business Model Expertise offering. Starting from the key axes identified for the business dynamics, it enables the manager/investor to validate the alignment between these axes and the ambition of the business, on one hand, and the short- and mid-term business potential of the market, on the other. It takes into account the costs of customer acquisition and competition level.
This is also an opportunity to summarise the existing internal sales and marketing processes and appreciate their efficiency.
Finally, it offers a documented vision of the existing and projected business development landscape, which can be shared internally to foster team-building and energy-focus towards clear objectives.
You can view our approach in the method section. Methodology.